Thursday, September 24, 2009

We have Facebook!

As your Brigade Public Affairs Officer, it's my duty to ensure that the Lifeliners message and stories are out in the public. Y'know, telling our stories, both positive and informational, to the general public. One of the great ways of doing so is social networking. It is with great pleasure to announce that the 101st Sustainment Brigade (Lifeliners) has its own Facebook page!

What is so cool about this? Well, it's a way of keeping in contact with those you've served with over the years here at Fort Campbell. Also, it's a means to keep you updated on the many events and activites happening here within our Brigade as we prepare to head back into the fight.

And it's something to have pride in.

I encourage everyone to get on board and check us out. To do so, go to your Facebook page (if you have one) and in the search box on the right side (the one with the blue tab bar), type in 101st Sustainment Brigade -Lifeliners. The Deathstar should automatically come up and you're in.

Show the Brigade some love and become a friend.

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